How does it work?

The visitor will be the first to receive an invitation email in your house style with a QR code, parking instructions and directions. The visitor can register and deregister at the entrance quite simply by scanning the QR code with the visitor's tablet. This makes the cumbersome registration on paper a lot easier. Pronto immediately sends an email to the relevant employee when the visitor has registered, making the process a lot faster.

Pronto makes things a lot easier for the receptionist and takes the unnecessary time-consuming reception tasks off your hands, so that the receptionist pays attention to your visit. Customers are a valuable asset to any business. You grant every customer a visitor experience that mercilessly matches the vision of your company. Digitizing visitor registration is also fun, safe and efficient. By using Pronto, the first impression of your company is well organized. A visit no longer becomes an ordinary visit for the customer, but a "customer journey" that contributes to a professional image, because the Customer is still king!