Presto Intake

Higher Education is facing a number of challenges that may require a range of cultural and organisational changes in order to stay ahead. These challenges include increasing competition, changes to statutory obligations, Tier 4 compliance, raised student expectations and shifting funding requirements, to name a few. With over 20 years of experience, Simac’s Presto solution has been proven to effectively support institutions like yours to meet some of these challenges head on, by providing more efficient monitoring, engagement, case management and analytical support.

Tony Vicente
Welcome at Simac IDS
Tony Vicente
Hi, We would like to tell you more about our intake solution. Call our office or click on the button below.

We understand the challenges

We understand that technology represents a powerful tool in your armoury, however, it does not on its own provide the whole answer. Our experience of working with a variety of institutions on these types of projects has provided us with invaluable insight into many of the issues that can impact the success of a project. Some of the areas that can present challenges include timetabling data quality, data issues in the student management system or cultural change challenges within the institution. Understanding and acknowledging the potential challenges that any project can face, ensures that we can develop plans to avoid or mitigate them

Automated attendance monitoring

Presto’s automated attendance monitoring system makes the managing and collection of accurate student attendance quick and easy. Presto effectively supports a broad range of collection methods for academic delivery and exams including ID cards, self-registration, WIFI and readers or a mixed economy of technologies. You can, for example, quickly identify unauthorised absences and surface and manage them in Presto’s inbuilt PrestoFlow work-flow system. Readily identify your students at risk and engage your support services much earlier to ensure more successful outcomes.

Presto - Flexibility is key

Presto has been designed to be flexible enough to evolve with your institutions policy and operational processes as they update to reflect the ongoing demands of the sector. Presto will not limit your choice of collection methods, academic delivery models or operational changes as they are required.

Would you like to find out more about how Presto can help you improve your students experience, retention and success?

Need advice on finding the best solution for your business?

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