Presto Exam

Transform your institution's assessment procedures with PrestoExam, seamlessly transitioning them online. Capture attendance, confirm identities, collect scripts, and generate reports effortlessly. Enhance record-keeping, simplify audits, and elevate the student experience by streamlining your assessment process with PrestoExam.

Tony Vicente
Welcome at Simac IDS
Tony Vicente
Hi, We would like to tell you more about our exam solution. Call our office or click on the button below.

Capturing Student Attendance and Verifying Identity

PrestoExam transforms the way invigilators and institutions verify student identities during exams. With its user-friendly interface and student photographs, identity confirmation is quick and seamless on both tablets and mobile devices. Invigilators can effortlessly walk around the exam hall and register attendance with just a tap on the screen.

Finding students during an exam has never been easier. Users can swiftly search for a student by name, number, or barcode using PrestoExam’s efficient search function. The barcode search feature allows for immediate student identification.

Clear, intuitive icons provide real-time updates on the total number of students present and the attendance percentage, ensuring users stay informed at all times.

Effortless Reporting

With PrestoExam, analysing and sharing data is a breeze. Instantly create customised attendance reports tailored to your needs.

Student Attendance Capture and Identity Confirmation

Seamless Incident Logging

While we hope exams run smoothly, PrestoExam’s robust incident logger is ready for any disruptions. It’s crucial to document all incidents during assessments to ensure optimal conditions for your students. Whether it's construction noise or a ringing phone, PrestoExam allows you to log multiple incidents for sessions, exams, and individual students in real time. Every logged incident includes user details and timestamps, facilitating simplified auditing. There’s no limit to the number of incidents you can record in a single session.

Never Lose a Script Again

Easily access all incident reports whenever needed with PrestoExam’s incident reporting functionality.

Streamlined Student Provisions

Managing extra provisions for students in a busy exam environment can be challenging. PrestoExam provides instant, comprehensive information on your device, ensuring students receive the support they need to excel.

Automated Script Collection

In large-scale, fast-paced exams, collecting scripts and materials manually can lead to errors, inefficiencies and the risk of appeals. PrestoExam simplifies this process, protecting your institution’s investments in resources and space. Each student’s script is recorded with a single touch

Real-Time Audit Trail

A live script total shows how many scripts have been collected and how many are missing. Users receive automatic alerts for any discrepancies between attendees and scripts, ensuring no script is ever lost.

Comprehensive Reporting

PrestoExam’s responsive and configurable reporting function allows you to create detailed script collection data by time, location, session, exam, and student, ensuring you have all the information you need at your fingertips.

Need advice on finding the best solution for your business?

We are happy to help you!